Landscaping projects

complete section of documented landscaping projects

Landscaping project for Gran Melía Don Pepe

Landscaping project for Gran Melía Don Pepe

The management of the Hotel asked us for a makeover in order to give importance to the income. One difficulty to overcome was the lack of depth of ground in the beds to be treated.

The Hotel management asked us for a landscaping project for the image change, seeking to give importance to the income. One difficulty to overcome was the lack of depth of ground in the beds to be treated. To achieve that depth of the substrate, necessary for planting, we use steel belts as a container.

Helical cypress trees span the steel wall on the reception island. Green spheres on ribbons of white gravel give the composition a play of color. A stone fountain brings the feeling of freshness and peace of moving water.

In the interior reception there is a pond with two vertical waterfalls flanked by two flower beds with vegetation. Following the criteria of conferring a new image of simpler and modern lines, we eliminated part of the vegetation. The beds are arranged in two levels by means of steel strips. Each level has a gravel color, on which highlights indoor plants with flowering in white and red tones.

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Expert landscapers and architects in Marbella and throughout Spain. We always look for avant-garde quality and design without neglecting the final cost.